Sunday, February 24, 2019

Explanation on Talend Functional Architecture

This article explains how a Talend Functional Architecture and Project creation to Execution works. Here I'm using a flow diagram as it will be easy to understand the flow through it. Also note that here I'm considering the components which are mainly involve when we design a project through Talend Studio.

Note: The Talend 5.6.1 considered when analyzing the flow and here I'm specifically going through the flow where Artifacts loaded to Nexus and then retrieving it to execute. There are another two ways to load and execute the projects:
1) Export and Upload the Project to Job Conductor
2) Execute directly from Talend Studio.

Here in the below diagram:
Blue Font:  Explains the flow when creating users and providing authorizations.
Green Font: Explains the flow when creating and designing the project.



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