Saturday, June 10, 2017

Setting a modified JSON String payload back to the MessageContext inside a class mediator WSO2 ESB 4.8.1

This article explains how we can set a modified JSON string payload back to the message context inside a class mediator. We achieve this inside a class mediator using the below segment of code. Here payLoad.toString() is the transformed JSON string.
 // Setting the latest JSON String to the Message Context  
                ((Axis2MessageContext) context).getAxis2MessageContext(),  
                payLoad.toString(), true, true);  

The usage of this code segment as below:

1) Create custom class mediator as below:
 package com.custom.json.payload;  
 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;  
 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;  
 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;  
 import org.apache.synapse.MessageContext;  
 import org.apache.synapse.commons.json.JsonUtil;  
 import org.apache.synapse.core.axis2.Axis2MessageContext;  
 import org.apache.synapse.mediators.AbstractMediator;  
 import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException;  
 import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;  
  * This is a sample class mediator to get the JSON message from the message context property and   
  * do some modifications to payload and set the new JSON payload to message context for further  
  * processing.   
 public class CustomJsonPayloadSetter extends AbstractMediator {  
      private static final Log log = LogFactory  
      public boolean mediate(MessageContext context) {  
           if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {  
                log.debug("[CustomJsonPayloadSetter] mediate method Invoked.");  
           // Get the JSON payload from the property.  
           String jsonPayLoad = StringUtils.stripToEmpty((String) context  
           if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {  
                log.debug("[CustomJsonPayloadSetter] Json Payload from Context."  
                          + jsonPayLoad);  
           try {  
                // Adding additional data to the Payload.  
                JSONObject payLoad = new JSONObject(jsonPayLoad);  
                payLoad.put("TestValueAdded1", "TEST1VAL");  
                payLoad.put("TestValueAdded2", "TEST2VAL");  
                // Setting the latest JSON String to the Message Context  
                          ((Axis2MessageContext) context).getAxis2MessageContext(),  
                          payLoad.toString(), true, true);  
           } catch (JSONException e) {  
           return true;  

2) Below is the pom.xml used to build the code.
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
      xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">  

3) Create a API as below:
 <api xmlns="" name="TestSetJsonPayload" context="/test">  
   <resource methods="POST" uri-template="/json">  
      <log level="custom">  
       <property name="STATUS" value="------------------TestSetJsonPayload IN Invoked-------------------"></property>  
         <http method="post" uri-template=""></http>  
      <log level="custom">  
       <property name="STATUS" value="------------------TestSetJsonPayload OUT Invoked-------------------"></property>  
      <property name="JsonPayload" expression="json-eval($.)"></property>  
      <class name="com.custom.json.payload.CustomJsonPayloadSetter"></class>  
      <log level="full"></log>  

4) When we send a request, the backend will return the below.
 {"test":"Form Mock Back end"}  

and after going through the class mediator, the requested client will receive the below modified JSON payload.
  "test": "Form Mock Back end",  
  "TestValueAdded1": "TEST1VAL",  
  "TestValueAdded2": "TEST2VAL"  

Hope this helps someone try to set the modified JSON payload back to MessageContext...


  1. Not Able to find jar for import org.apache.synapse.commons.json.JsonUtil; Can you help how to get it?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi @Ajanthan Eliyathamby,

    Thanks for the nice post. But i am getting ERROR like "JsonUtil cannot be resolved" in WSO2 Developer Studio. Please help me to resolve this.
