Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Overcoming the AutoPrimitive Issue in WSO2 APIM 1.10 during Json Conversion

When we use the default application/json builder and formatter specified in axis2.xml, we will get a problem with AutoPrimitive ( Consider this problem will come only when there is a content awware mediator in the flow ), that means if the backend sends a response as below:
  "Names": [  
    "Name": [  
      "id": "850340277",  
      "username": "Ajanthan",  
      "accountLocked": false  

The output with default settings will be like below. YOu can observe that the string passed with numbers have converted to Integer.
  "Names": [  
    "Name": [  
      "id": 850340277,  
      "username": "Ajanthan",  
      "accountLocked": false  

Using adding the property synapse.commons.json.json.output.autoPrimitive=false in <APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/ file we can overcome the issue and keep the string as it is. But the boolean values will also be converted to String. You can observe that from the below:
  "Names": [  
    "Name": [  
      "id": "850340277",  
      "username": "Ajanthan",  
      "accountLocked": "false"  

To overcome this problem, the recommended option is to move to JsonStreamBuilder and JsonStreamFormatter combination.

Comment the below:
 <messageBuilder contentType="application/json"  
 <messageFormatter contentType="application/json"  

and uncomment the below:
 <messageBuilder contentType="application/json"  
 <messageFormatter contentType="application/json"  

And now we can get the expected output after the conversion.
  "Names": [  
    "Name": [  
      "id": "850340277",  
      "username": "Ajanthan",  
      "accountLocked": false  

Hope this helps...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,


    This should be corrected as below.


